Meet your SEO: Branko Rihtman

Hey guys, welcome to another edition of “meet your SEO” thursday (hope it’s not something trademarked).

I’m using this little introduction to thank you ALL again for making this series a worldwide success. A big LA film studio already contacted me about the possibility to transform this blog series in a TV series. Amazing right? But I’m not gonna give the rights anyway, because I saw their site and it was not SEO optimized at all. I thought it was a contradiction, so I refuse their offer.

So guys, today big day. I had the pleasure to have a chat with Branko Rihtman. Branko is an SEO specialist at RankAbove , a scientist and a father, based in Tel Aviv. But as far as I understood, Branko is going to move soon in England, to do a Ph.D. in Marine Microbiology (damn cool, right?) and to enjoy the amazing european SEO community. You can read something more about him in his blog and on twitter, under the nick @neyne.

The simple thing here to say is: you don’t know him? OK. You are missing one of the smartest SEO out there. I liked him a lot because he is sharp-tongued person, no bullshit but action.

Ok, Branko…let’s give the others the opportunity to meet you and to learn more about you!

Branko Rihtman

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