A new episode of “Meet your marketer”? Hell yeah, my dear reader. First of all, thank you SO MUCH for having click that link on twitter, facebook, linkedin or Google+, and thanks SO MUCH for spending some time here in my blog.
So today I have the pleasure to chat a bit with Chris Gilchrist, MD & Founder of Hit Reach. Chris is also SEO, WordPress expert and really passionate about tattoos. Chris is totally a nice guy, always ready to help you out and to chat about SEO and other interests on twitter.
I’m so loving this interview for one reason: because I’m asking things that really matter to me, and it’s not so much SEO related. I mean, we all know that usually people I interviewed are amazing SEOs, right? So, let’s get to know these professionals a bit more, as human beings and not only for their technical skills.
So, ready to know Chris a bit more? Let’s go!