Hi folks,
today we are going to have a new “Meet your marketer” episode. And it’s different from the other because it’s going to be shorter, and right to the point. It’s a new formula, because I know you have less time today, since it’s Valentine’s day, and your woman / man is waiting for you, at home, with a big box full of sweets. And it’s not you can say: “Oh sweetie, sorry I’m late, but there was a new awesome episode of my favorite interview series in the world”.
I know, so here we go.
Today I had the pleasure to talk with Cyrus Shepard, freelance SEO consultant and SEOmoz associate. You can read more about him on his Google+ profile and on his blog, called Above the Fold.
Actually, I don’t know so much about Cyrus. I just follow him on twitter and I’m always reading what he writes about online marketing and SEO, and he is one of the people who taught me a lot of stuff through his posts.
So, bando alle ciance and let’s talk with Cyrus!