Meet your SEO: Gianluca Fiorelli

I am trying to see
I am trying to believe
This is not where I should be
I am trying to believe

Today I have the pleasure to interview Gianluca Fiorelli, an Italian SEO consultant working in Spain. I mean, everyone knows Gianluca right? You can read more about him on his blog . Moreover he is SEOmoz associate and blogger for State of Search, so basically you have plenty of places where to read his thoughts about SEO and inbound marketing in general.

Let’s go!

Gianluca Fiorelli

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Be-Wizard 2012: a recap

Be Wizard 2012

I have the chance to participate to a web marketing conference called Be-Wizard in Rimini (Italy) on 16 – 17 March 2012.

This was for me the first international conference during my SEO career. The conference was divided in two days. The first day was a general web marketing conference. To be honest nothing special. General topics, and speakers who sometimes were extremely boring and not good communicators.

The second day was divided in three sections: tourism, business and advanced. I choose to go to the advanced section because there were speakers I follow on twitter and I was really curious to see them live. The advanced section was really good, even if I have to say I saw that some presentations hav not that magic feeling and spirit that I like a lot when I listen to someone. Anyway.

The free wifi allows me to get in touch in real time via twitter with a lot of people during the two days. The highlights of the two days conference were to meet people, and it was totally great to receive a mention on twitter saying “hey Alessio, coffee later?”. You know, strange feeling…from virtual to real talk.  That’s it. And here are 4 people I had the pleasure to meet and talk.

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