Fuck Facebook


DISCLAIMER: I reopened Facebook for a while, but in october 2013 I decided to close it again. In this post I wrote some thoughts I had, and part of them remains the same. New things could be added, but actually it’s not worth it. I decided to close it again because I don’t get the point. I really tried, but I don’t get it. I’m a twitter heavy user and I find it more useful and fun. For people complaining that could be my fault because I’ m not able to use it, COULD BE. But Facebook is a tool , and I don’t want to think how to maximize its use. It was a personal profile with some stupid shit on it. I’m not a brand or something, so without too much thoughts, I closed it again. Plus I saw bad things coming out from Facebook, things I don’t and won’t understand to not lose faith in people.

You can find me on twitter or you know…..in the real life (maybe at a NIN + QOTSA + Foo Fighters concert while drinking a Corona). Avoir,adieu,goodnight. 

here the original post:

I closed Facebook a week ago.

What a relief. I had only people complaining about stuff in there, and I had even a lot of “friends” that actually I don’t even know the real name in the real life.

People were sending stupid request like “add my birthday to your calendar” . You know what? I don’t even know your name, why should I remember your birthday? and even if I do add it, is it really important for you? I wanna know because at this point you have problems. Mental ones.

People were fighting about stupid stuff. And I was part of those fighting because I cannot stay in silence, and sometimes people are bothering so much that my nerves explode. But then I asked in private messages to continue the conversation in a real way: no answer.

People were inviting me to join some games: ok. I don’t play online games. But you are supposed to know that since you are among my friend. NOPE, you don’t know it because you don’t know me.

Few times I tried to ask something serious: zero answers. So, what’s the point? Only if you put a photo of yourself naked in the streets of Berlin, you can have comments and people saying: “oh yeah, he is my friend!” .

Groups. I had some really bad experiences. People living in a virtual environment, they don’t know a shit about “real” life. Really, people: facebook is not real life.

People. I met people telling me a lot about me just because they saw my facebook photo albums or they read a public status. BUT, who the hell are you? I mean, really? you think to know a person only because you are looking to his facebook profile? It has been said: ” I use facebook to stay in touch with my school buddies”. Well, honestly: for 80% of the time, I have no interest to stay in touch with people only because of Facebook. If I care about people, I know other way to contact them, because they are “real” in my life. So yeah, using facebook for purely staying in touch with people is an excuse, because somehow you are blocked to click on “deactivate account” for some reasons. Psychologists are having hard time with this stuff I think.

Not to mention it was quite hard to “deactivate” my account. Yeah, not “delete” because if you login again everything is there, like a magic. And this is bothering me a lot. You have to give an answer on “why you want to deactivate your FB account”. NO, I don’t wanna give you an answer, am I free to do whatever I want? Plus, really photos of “friends” in the last steps of deactivating the account saying “You’ll me missed”. Come on! This is done for jamming my neurons and I don’t like. Should be simple: you wanna to delete? YES. Put your password. DONE.

So yeah, fuck facebook. Put your face in the streets, in a bar, whatever, and live the real life.